Printing Integer & Float Values in C-Lang Telugu || 4 Programs || Extra Output ||

Printing Integer & Float Values in  C-Lang Telugu  || 4 Programs || Extra Output ||

Printing Integer & Float Values in C-Lang Telugu || 4 Programs || Extra Output ||

Printf Function :-

It is standard Output function which is used to display the information given by the user.

Syntax 1:

  • printf(” information”);
  • To print information.
  • printf(“Ambati Durga Prasad”);

Format Specifiers :-

The format specifier in C is used to tell the compiler about the type of data to be printed or scanned in input and output operations. They always start with a % symbol and are used in the formatted string in functions like printf(), scanf() etc.

Syntax 2:

  • printf(” format specifier “,variable name);
  • To print 1 value.
  • printf(“%d”, a);
  • printf(“%f” , x);

Program-1 :-



Program-4 ( Student Details )


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