Conditional Control Statements || IF-Else Statement

Conditional Control Statements || IF-Else Statement

Conditional Control Statements || IF-Else Statement

IF Else Statement :-

The if-else statement is an extension of simple-if statement. The general form is

Syntax :-

True statement
False Statement

Flow Chart :-

Program 1 :

Write a program to check whether the given age is eligible for vote or not.

void main()
             int age;
             printf(“enter your age:”);

            printf(“you are eligible for vote”);
             printf(“you are not eligible for vote”);



Output :-

Enter your age: 24
you are eligible for vote
Enter your age: 13
you are not eligible for vote

Program 2 :

Write a program to check whether the given number is Positive Number or Negative Number.

void main()
             int no;
             printf(“enter any number:”);

            printf(“it is a Positive Number”); or printf(“%d is a Positive Number”,no);
             printf(“it is a Negative Number”); or printf(“%d is a Negative Number”,no);


Output :-

Enter any Number : 7
it is a Positive Number (or) 7 is a Positive Number
Enter any Number : -13
it is a Negative Number (or) -13 is a Positive Number

Extra Program Outputs :-

Output 1:-

Enter your age: 17
you are teenager
Enter your age:23
you are not teenager

Output 2:-

Enter any two Number : 17
Big Value is : 25
Enter any two Number : 11
Big Value is : 11


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